Das Pulverfass wird zubereitet

Geschrieben von Sono am 23. Mai 2006 19:50:40:

Bush, Blair to discuss hasty troop exit from Iraq

Zwar eine der üblichen journalistischen Übertreibungen, es geht allenfalls um eine deutliche Truppenreduzierung, wobei die Iraker die Drecksarbeit übernehmen sollen, um die Hände gegen den Iran baldmöglichst besser frei zu bekommen.
Das ist keine Verdächtigung, sondern ergibt sich aus Condolezzas Erklärung:

Rice claimed on Sunday that "Iran is a troublemaker in the international system, a central banker of terrorism. Security assurances are not on the table."
“Her remarks aim to influence the next meeting of the 5+1 group (five permanent UN Security Council member states plus Germany) and sabotage Iran’s constructive cooperation with the IAEA,”

Noch toller werden die Kapriolen, die geschlagen werden:

US Sets up £215m Deal for Afghan Arms - from Russia ! ! !
by Thomas Harding

American defence officials have secretly requested a "prodigious quantity" of ammunition from Russia to supply the Afghan army in case a Democrat president takes over in Washington and pulls out US troops.
The Daily Telegraph can disclose that Pentagon chiefs have asked arms suppliers for a quote on a vast amount of ordnance, including more than 78 million rounds of AK47 ammunition, 100,000 rocket-propelled grenades and 12,000 tank shells - equivalent to about 15 times the British Army's annual requirements.

The Bush administration is said to want the deal because of worries that the next president could be a Democrat, possibly Hillary Clinton, who may abandon Afghanistan.

White House insiders fear that Afghanistan could "drift" and consequently, they want heavily to arm President Hamid Kharzai's government before the 2008 US presidential election.

Diplomatic sources also believe that the US may be offering the estimated $400 million (£215 million) deal, including transport costs, to the Russians as an inducement to embargo its arms and nuclear technology exports to Iran.

Defence specialists said Russian arms chiefs at first "fell about laughing" because they thought the order was a joke when it arrived this month.

Also noch vor den 08er US-Wahlen soll es nach den Plänen zum Krieg kommen...
Und auch dafür leistet die dt. Regierung Entwicklungshilfe...

Hoffentlich kommt es im nächsten Winter, d.h. nach den Us-Wahlen vom 7.11., zu einem Amtsenthebungsverfahren,
sonst werden die schlimmen seherischen Visionen schneller Wirklichkeit als uns lieb ist.
