Re: Die Amis scheinen das jetzt anders zu sehen.
Geschrieben von Sono am 02. August 2006 09:44:37:
Als Antwort auf: Ein Beispiel russischer brĂ¼derlicher Liebe ... geschrieben von Suchender am 01. August 2006 22:01:47:
August 1, 2006 -- Ah ha, I've been wondering who the US's next major enemy would be. Up to now, I thought the leading candidate was China. But no, the enemy was revealed in the neo-cons' bible, the Wall Street Journal. From yesterday's piece on the OP-ED page of the Journal ("Oil and Gas Empire") by Garry Kasparov, I read (and this is the final paragraph of the article): "The West is making a terrible mistake by mixing realpolitik with a battle of values. Drawing and defending moral lines is the first and most essential step in combating extremism and there is no room for double standards. If the West is keeping track of its friends, it's time to take Mr. Putin off the list."