@zorniger Leser -- READ THIS !

Geschrieben von basecampUSA am 20. Juni 2006 00:16:53:

Als Antwort auf: die hexenjagd geht wieder los! geschrieben von detlef am 19. Juni 2006 19:59:47:

You seem intelligent enough to stir up a lot of shit here and elsewhere, so I figured you could read this in English as well.

My German speaking capabilities are a bit impaired when I'm PISSED OFF, and right now I wouldn't mind meeting you in a dark alley somewhere to get your undivided attention and explain a few things.

A. Who gives a flying fuck about the holocaust? Huh? Tell me!

I wasn't born yet when all that shit took place - AND IT AIN'T MY GODDAMN FAULT !
Most of the people's PARENTS weren't even born yet, who read here!

It seems YOU have a guilty conscience... maybe YOU or your father were one of these assholes shoving Jews into the ovens at Auschwitz. Is that why it bothers you so much? HUH? I'll bet that's it !... So piss off and lick your stinking mental wounds somewhere else!

B. Or is it the collective guilty conscience of the German people that is perpetually fed by members of groups like Simon Wiedenthal's group and many other similar. They have freedom of speech -- and I have freedom of speech too... I see the material and I don't deny it is there.

Sure, a very few of the Germans of grandmother and grandfather's day may have been guilty of something, but not ALL of them... - AND 90% of them are either dead or in nursing homes for the old, and can't even remember, let alone shove another jew in an oven...

C. Every other week another movie or documentary comes on television to dramatize the evil Germans, and another round of guilt cocktails is passed around like bitter pills for Germans to take...

GET OVER IT !! That was 60+ fucking years ago !!!!!! Ancient history!

It's time to move on... sure - everybody has learned the lessons except for the jew-hating Hamas and Iran etc, but you --a German that was liberated from Hitler's power-- don't have to tie the damn issue around your neck like a chicken-killing dog must have it's dead bird hung around it's neck till it stinks to high heaven, to break him of killing more chickens...

1. This server is in the free world - on American soil - with freedom of speech!
2. NO ONE forces you to open a thread here and read it ! REMEMBER THAT !!!
3. If you don't like what you read - GO SOMEWHERE ELSE or pick another thread...
4. Save yourself from becoming some stupid hated asshole, which you are doing very well... and showing the rest of the world the ugly nature of a few die-hard Germans who just love to whip up lots of trouble.

I love Germany, my parents were from there and I have some jewish blood in my veins... I hate Nazis, and have kicked the shit out of a lot of Aryan Nation and Neo-Nazis both here in the U.S. and while I was travelling in Europe.

I kmow Detlef would not allow any Nazi bullshit on this forum... and I would be one of the first to throw those bastards out.

But the thing I hate worse is some asshole that tries to stifle freedom of speech in a forum... people here are intelligent enough to discern what is going on and they are NOT susceptible to "volksverhetzung" ... what YOU are doing is worse ! Denial of a basic freedoms !

Greetings from the USA where we can still tell it like it is...
