Geplanter Finanzcrash
Geschrieben von PinguinTS am 18. Juni 2006 11:25:37:
Da ihr euch doch immer nach konkreten Zeitangaben über den Crash sehnt,
ich hab hier was im aktuellen Dove-Report
In the last three years, there have been secret activities of testing
the Illuminati’s ONE WORLD BANKING SYSTEM which the Illuminati plan to
try to implement next January 2007. The ONE WORLD BANKING SYSTEM has
been being tested in China, Belgium, and Germany. The NEW worldwide
CURRENCY that the Illuminati intend to put out to the world is called
The Illuminati plan is to CRASH the Federal Reserve and thus the US
Dollar this coming December 2006. If this plan were successful it
would cause the WORST worldwide economic crash in history. That’s
exactly what the Illuminati want to do. If the Illuminati can cause a
worldwide economic crash, they expect that there would be tremendous
upset among the populations of most major countries and the rest of
the world because the CRASH of the US DOLLAR/the Federal Reserve,
would cause very severe economic losses to anyone who holds US Dollars
around the world.
The Illuminati hope the severe economic worldwide crash would cause
people to cause trouble and riot in the cities. The Illuminati want
the people to riot so the Illuminati leaders of the major countries
can DECLARE MARTIAL LAW! That’s the WHOLE REASON for the Illuminati
plan to cause the economic crash – the Illuminati MUST have MARTIAL
LAW declared in order to implement their ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and one
world banking system...."
Im weiteren Text steht aber auch dass das Ziel von NESARA ist genau das zu verhindern!!
Viel Spaß
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Wie Süß
ist doch der Schmerz
der WissendenPinguinTS
- Re: Geplanter Finanzcrash Bonifatius 18.06.2006 16:14 (1)
- Re: Geplanter Finanzcrash PinguinTS 18.06.2006 20:18 (0)