Interview mit Lance444 aus der
Geschrieben von basecampUSA am 11. Juni 2006 02:49:33:
Als Antwort auf: War das Irlmaier oder Waldviertler ? geschrieben von basecampUSA am 10. Juni 2006 05:33:56:
"Lance444" schrieb mir ueber seiner visionen und treffer:
"I began writing predictions in 2000, in which I warned people that Osama bin Laden would be the next Hitler, in the eyes of the U.S.A.I get my predictions by several methods, I ask a higher being questions (GOD) and get responses back, I write down what I receive..
Sometimes, I will get bad vibe's [schwingungen] about a particular area.. Lately I have been saying a large Earthquake will strike the West Coast, and Major Hurricanes will hit major cities throughout the USA. Some of the other things I would rather keep private..
I don't give out to much information about myself.. There are people who dislike me.
My hits, well let's see here:Sept. 11th mentioned, Bin Laden, 2001, New York, July or September, Terror from the sky.
Hurricane Lily, said on Oct. 3rd 2002 the Wrath of God will strike the USA.. Well Oct. 3rd sure enough Hurricane Lily came ashore..Sniper shootings, said as well Oct. 3rd 2002 Washington D.C. could experience terrorism.
Halloween Earthquake of 2002.. Said that a killer quake would strike on Halloween 2002, well a Earthquake hit Italy killing children at a Halloween party.
Space Shuttle Columbia- said that a air tragedy would strike on 1/31/03 well a few hours later Columbia came down.USA Blackout- said major cities in America would all experience a big blackout.
Bam Iran Earthquake- Wrote a prediction, posted it on a old site that is now down, wrote BAM! will Tremble! a few weeks later the Bam, Iran Earthquake occured.
Hurricane Charley-Wrote Friday the 13th 2004 would be a very bad day..Hurricane Frances and Ivan- Drew a Hurricane map for 2004-2006 in it Mobile, Alabama had the exact wind speed as Ivan's landfall written above it, Frances was the same as well.
Tsunami 2004- Thousands of people will die by early 2005 in a disaster.
Hurricane Katrina- I had this on a site a little while back, it said in the Imminent future great winds will ravage these area's by the 31st of August 2005, the first area mentioned was New Orleans, then Galveston, then Cape Sable, Naples..
Went to name all the Hurricane names that then became expired, I said RITA, STAN, WILMA. I wrote this on Sept. 1st 2005.. I said these would be bad storms.. I went on to say that Wilma would hit Florida around late October around the 21st, and would become one of the strongest storms ever, it was the strongest hurricane in Atlantic history!
I went on the say that the New Moon of Oct. 3rd-9th there will be a devastating Earthquake. Well on OCT. 8th Pakistan was hit by a Quake that killed 80,000 + people.
The Riots in France, said by November France would even experience terror.
Great Blizzard of 2006- Said 2006 New York would have record snow fall, it did.
Death toll of Moscow Roof collapse, it happend on 2/24 and 56 people died, I wrote on 2/23 fifty six people will die.**Tornadoes on 2006- said this year would be above average.
**TONGA quake- Said a couple days before FIJI would experience a great quake, 8.0 or higher.. And the number 426 would have something to do with it, well the quake hit at 4:26 a.m.
**Indonesia Quake- Said in May Indonesia will be a major target, a deadly spring earthquake would kill many people, especially in Indonesia..
That's most of them, some more but less important."
--------------** = Im forum schriftlich bestaetigt...
er ist erst mitglied am 10.4.2006 gewordengruss, -Basey
- Re: Interview mit Lance444 aus der BBouvier 11.06.2006 13:22 (2)
- Re: Interview mit Lance444 aus der BBouvier 11.06.2006 13:44 (1)
- Re: Interview mit Lance444 aus der basecampUSA 12.06.2006 07:13 (0)