Re: @ Detlef: Re: alte asteroiden meldung === 2006GY2/Schwachmann ?
Geschrieben von basecampUSA am 06. Mai 2006 14:11:34:
Als Antwort auf: Re: @ Detlef: Re: alte asteroiden meldung === 2006GY2/Schwachmann ? geschrieben von detlef am 06. Mai 2006 04:42:46:
>hallo mole,
>I'm not shure anymore. for me it was always clear, that following my dream sightings, I should have plenty of time for my chosen type of preparation. (ship)
>but in the last time I get more and more the impression, that we as group are looking for the wrong signs.
>the "future-time-table" that evolved over the years seems to me less and less reassuring.
>at the bottom line, we are leaning nearly exclusively on interpretations of the foresight of two german seers and one young and unproven seer in our midst, even if common sense should tell us, that the quality of future might have changed. (as time passes, more and more of the "conditions" for the fullfillment of these seeings slip away from our hands)
>at the moment, I don't even dare to predict, what should be taken serious, and what not. I just got the strong feeling, that we should not overvalue the prospect of this relative quick and local belic campain, commonly prenamed "worldwar 3". and, I want to stress this, we should free ourselves, from the grown habit, to see every possible outlook to the future through the "does it fit with world war 3?"-filter.
>see U,detlefHi detlef...
Well one thing is for sure - "the proof is in the pudding" in other words, if there is someone that has a long series of consistent hits, it is worth some attention.
I'm into this purely out of fascination over the phenomena and not so much over the results... -and certainly not for any type of fame!
I will never cease to seek an explanation to all these things that happen to me. But I know from long experience that I should prepare for what I have seen in dreams and visions.
I have saved some lives with "it" in the past, and hope that "it" will help with surviving what is to come in the future.-Basey