Re: Prophezeiung: Diesen Monat geht es los!

Geschrieben von basecampUSA am 10. Juli 2007 04:45:52:

Als Antwort auf: Re: Prophezeiung: Diesen Monat geht es los! geschrieben von Apollo am 09. Juli 2007 23:09:18:

>Hallo Basey.. ;-)
>hast Du was im Gefühl, wenn Du das hier liest ?
>Aus dem
>"Could this be Yellowstone? Anyone else getting anything?
>Posted on: Wednesday 04 July 2007 @ 21:02:46
>Pagandenma writes"I have a recurring dream where I am standing on a map of the United States, looking down at Wyoming.
>I hear a voice say "In the land of Golden Stone, green hills with fire burn."
>I'm wondering if this could be related to the build-up of seismic pressure/activity in the park?"
>gruss apollo

Hi Apollo,

It could be, but I think that the Cascadian subduction zone at Juan de Fuca and associated volcanic activity in Oregon and Washington states will go first. Then the Yellowstone basin may follow. I was there at Yellowstone about 2 months ago, after I finished the windmills in Iowa and the geysers didn't seem to be acting too strangely, but Yellowstone lake seems to be slowly tipping and running toward one end. The first time I was there was in 1956 as a young boy with my parents... the lake was normal then. I was always very nervous about Yellowstone, I have been there 8 times in my life.

I saw a "year of the quakes" followed closely and overlapped by "a year of the volcanos" sometime in the near future that I wrote about in the old that got hacked and lost. Lou Famoso and I, -and some other psychicly inclined people agree on Cascadia/Juan de Fuca. It could happen soon.

- Basey
