Damian, der Antichrist
Geschrieben von FranzLiszt am 03. Mai 2006 03:28:46:
Hallo Foris,
nicht ganz ernst zu nehmen - aber den 6.6.06 nehmen viele Amis seeehr ernst.
I'm pretty sure Damian-the-Antichrist Child was actually behind me in the grocery store line yesterday. He was about 6 or 7 years old. He kept hitting his mother with a plastic soda bottle, and hard, over and over again while yelling "CEREAL! CEREAL! CEREAL!" She, weakly at best, kept asking him to stop, he, probably enjoying his mothers lack of backbone, continued.
So Mom finally takes the drink bottle from him, at which point he hurls himself on the floor, begins spinning in circles and managing to kick her shins at every turn, screaming in an evil spine curdling voice "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! YOU ARE MEAN! AARRGGHHHHH"
Mom looked like she could have used a priest herself- or at least a good glass of communion wine.
That, my friends, is evil.Gefunden bei Prophecies.us
Gruß franz_liszt
- Och, einer meiner Nachbarn erzieht offthspc 03.05.2006 17:41 (4)
- erzieht antiautoritär offthspc 03.05.2006 22:09 (1)
- Re: erzieht antiautoritär detlef 03.05.2006 22:17 (0)
- Re: Och, einer meiner Nachbarn erzieht Funktionsdelta 03.05.2006 21:23 (1)
- Re: die Frage ist eine ganz andere - was wird es uns angehen BAldur 03.05.2006 21:31 (0)
- Re: Damian, der Antichrist BBouvier 03.05.2006 12:05 (0)