Ja... Z-I-O-N - glaub du hast recht!

Geschrieben von basecampUSA am 11. Juni 2007 01:50:25:

Als Antwort auf: Re: OT?: London´s Logo für Olympia 2012 - ein Omen? geschrieben von einniemand am 09. Juni 2007 11:55:51:

>Ich sehe ... ZION
>Friedliche Grüsse aus Wien

Schau nach oben im thread "Pentagon Coup"...

Also to this final ‘destiny’ of President Bush, and his Israeli allies, is what the British people are labeling ‘outrageous’ in the symbol unveiled this week meant to represent London’s 2012 Olympic Games, but when viewed in its separate pieces spells “Zion” in a not so subtle reference to the Jerusalem mountain Mount Zion, and former Jebusite fortress conquered by the Jewish King David nearly 3,000 years ago.

- Basey
