Re: Die Zeit nach dem Krieg (nicht nur an basecampUSA)

Geschrieben von basecampUSA am 05. Juni 2007 23:38:24:

Als Antwort auf: Die Zeit nach dem Krieg (nicht nur an basecampUSA) geschrieben von Leo DeGard am 05. Juni 2007 16:10:48:

>Hallo basecampUSA,
>weiter unter schreibst Du, nach dem Krieg sei es wie im Mittelalter.
>Ich finde das Thema ist interessant genug um es ein wenig näher zu betrachten.
>Bis vor einiger Zeit ging ich auch davon aus, dass die Menschheit durch den Krieg und die Katastrophen auf die technologische Stufe des Mittelalters zurückgeworfen werden würde. Aber inzwischen habe ich meine Meinung diesbezüglich geändert. Ich glaube inzwischen nicht mehr, dass die Ereignisse die Menschheit technologisch tatsächlich so krass zurückwerfen werden, zumindest nicht dauerhaft und/oder nicht in Deutschland. Es könnte jedoch sein, dass das in den USA anders sein wird. Als Begründung hierfür möchte ich z.B. an die Vorhersagen vom Bauern aus dem Waldviertel erinnern, der nach dem Krieg kleine Geräte gesehen hat, die offenbar mit einer Art von Freier Energie betrieben werden. Es war sogar die Rede von einem auf diese Weise angetriebenen Auto (jedoch habe ich die Quelle im Moment nicht parat). Auch einige Vorhersagen von Benjamin Solari Parravicini scheinen in diese Richtung zu deuten. Wie gesagt trifft dies aber vielleicht nur auf Deutschland bzw. auf Europa zu, denn die USA scheinen nach dem Krieg innere Probleme zu haben, die vielleicht dazu führen, dass die Infrastruktur dort weit schwerer und dauerhafter beeinträchtigt wird bzw. bleibt. Natürlich bezweifle ich nicht, dass vor allem in den unmittelbar betroffenen Gebieten nach dem Krieg schwierige Verhältnisse herrschen werden, aber ich glaube nicht mehr an einen dauerhaften technologischen Einbruch, und auch nicht an eine langanhaltende Mangelperiode. (Z.B. Irlmaier: "Zuerst ist noch Hungersnot, aber dann kommen auf der Donau soviel Lebensmittel herauf, daß alle satt werden." "Die Leute ziehen dorthin, wo die Wüste entstanden ist, und jeder kann siedeln, wo er will, und Land haben, soviel er anbauen kann. Das Land östlich und nördlich der Donau wird neu besiedelt." "Da werden die Leute wenig, und der Krämer steht vor der Tür und sagt: Kauft’s mir was ab, sonst geh ich drauf!; und die Würst hängen über den Teller naus, soviel gibt’s."
>Wie denkt ihr darüber?

Hallo Leo, Harry...

Damals vor ca. 33 jahre scheinte es mir in die Traume auch gewaltige Aenderungen auf die Erde zu geben durch Naturkatastrophen. Kuesten und Fluessbetten hatten sich geaendert, Grosstaedte lagen in schuett und asche, die Erde war mit wolken bedeckt und monate lang dunkel... (erbeben / vulkane?).

Ich hatte vor paar Jahre in Johannes' Prophezeihungsforum und das erste Zukuftsforum mehr darueber geschrieben - auch in "" (der neulichs gehackt wurde und ist nicht mehr)... aber ich habe die texte noch from "prophecies":

"The 2 major visions…

Posted by Basecamp2000, Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:18 pm
From now on out the next couple of years...
Additional escalating international woes beginning this year 2005 -- contributed to a combined convergence of weather and ecological problems, crop failures, droughts, plagues, economic collapse, more earthquakes and tsunamis, political unrest, wars and serious major powers in conflict mode...

This was my in very first post at It was soon after the big Asian tsunami, which I recognized from a vision of 33 years ago that was repeated 2 years later.

I emailed a friend 0n 12/6/04 about a “tsunami” about 3 weeks before it happened. In a short dream I saw huge waves inundating coastlines where there were palm trees and hotels and boats to be seen. But the buildings and boats were different, as though I was looking at 2 locations. So, I was not surprised when the media dubbed hurricane Katrina “the American tsunami”, after I had that “4 shudderings” vision I had the week before it hit, that I posted here.

Ich schickte ihn auch am 6.12.04 im e-mail zusetzlich das gedicht "Trutz Blanke Hans" von Detlef von Lilienkron - wo eine aehnliche flutkatastrophe beschrieben ist -- dann 3 wochen spaeter, Tsnaumi in Banda Aceh!

I began seriously to research this precognitive phenomenon that has plagued me since the age of 4. Not only did I post on this forum, but on some of the more serious and critical European prophecy and future forums where I have been helped by some authors and researchers in this field.

The tsunami that happened at the end of 2004 is what I believe I also saw in 2 visions in 1973 and 1975. In each case, it was at the start of a “dream” that seemed to last all night long.

It seemed to be a dream of the future. How far into the future I could not tell, but there were some good indications in the dream as to what was happening in that timeframe around when “The Tsunami” heralded the catastrophic changes. Here are a few:

1. Everybody seemed to have a special type of “TV” with a keyboard that they could find knowledge with or even communicate with each other over incredible distances. (Back then only big companies had mainframe computers, no PC’s existed yet.)
2. Everybody had very small walkie-talkie kind of radios with TV’s in them that they walked and drove around with and used like telephones. (Obviously these are cellphones, which would have been Star Trek style science fiction back then.)
3. Everybody drove around in luxury 4WD cars that looked like bigger Ford Broncos than we had then, or shortened Chevy Suburbans nad Blazers, that looked like Cadillacs interiors. (Suggestive of SUV’s ?)
4. Suburbs, housing developments and shopping malls were everywhere, but the stores names were all the same in each one. (Urban sprawl, globalization ?)

So, I would say the Asian tsunami of 12/26/04 was “The Tsunami” at the beginning of this great troubling period that I saw is coming in 1973 and 1975 to the “future” history of this world.

After seeing the above things, a long night of visions 33 years ago, then repeated 2 years later, where all the following started to escalate, each year many times worse than the year before, all converging at once:

- I saw a lot of military action in desert-like and mountainous settings, as well as destroyed city settings.
- Many riots and violent demonstrations in cities. The Eiffel Tower, domed structures, old and new buildings and cities of all kinds. Police and military shot into the crowds to disperse them. Microwave dishes were used too, instead of the watercannons like the 60’s.
- Many explosions with wrecked cars and buildings and dead lying around.
- Great earthquakes and tsunamis that destroyed homes, buildings, and vital infrastructure, killing great numbers of people, wreaking havoc on economies, causing them to collapse. No power, water or food. Some large areas of land sunk and filled with water, others rose, many huge cracks in the earth, impossible for vehicles to travel much distance.
- Many homeless people living in makeshift shelters, long lines for food and water, lots of misery and hunger, prices that were simply out of reach for most of the people, many having to go without medical help.
- Medical insurance so high no one could afford it but the well-to-do, many dying for the lack of timely and adequate medical attention.
- Huge torrential rains and flooding all over the world, destroyed homes and buildings and cars, many dead.
- Many destroyed buildings, property and dead, due to fast moving winds, both regionally and locally.
- Record summers that were unbearably hot and long, record winters that had unprecedented lows. Many power outages due to overloaded and inadequate infrastructure. Many areas of the world permanently changed in climate affecting agriculture with very serious consequences.
- Long, disasterous droughts, serious water shortages, sick and dead people and animals.
- Crop failures and disasterous famine due to drought, insect plagues and disease; lack of fuel and machines and trucks to plant cultivate and transport, lack of people to harvest crops.
- Huge explosions and very bright flashes of light.
- Lots of uninhabitable areas and cities (meltdowns like Chernobyl? chemical or atomic warfare?)
- Many churches closing, people turning against religion and traditional values. Christmas, Easter and other religious holidays celibrated in other ways. Much religious persecution among religions and governments. “Special lifestyles” attempted to rule instead of the norm.
- A requirement for everyone to have a “universal identifier” from the cradle to the grave so that it could be determined that you were not a criminal, or a threat to society, and could be identified quickly for government aid, fraud, disease control or even burial.
- People “closed off” from one another, hostile and hating each other. Workplaces, churches and even families full of lies and treachery. People gossiping to destroy each other. People going off the deep end and killing one another.
- Long lines for fuel, which was scarce, rationed and almost unaffordable, people losing their jobs because they couldn’t commute. People literally froze to death in their homes. Factories and businesses closed.
- A great chain of earthquakes and volcano eruptions, day turned into night around the world for weeks on end – agriculture was affected for years.
- Huge “meteor showers” which were like a red-hot hail and caught everything on fire wherever it fell, followed by a very dark period of about a week where it was unsafe to go outdoors (had these often since I was 4).
- Huge mass graves where countless bodies had to be dumped because of disaster or disease. Later marked with plaques with lists of names on them of those who could be identified.
- Governments declaring martial law due to the havoc wreaked by disasters, war and political violence, many rounded up and herded into massive detention centers.
- Enormous amounts of people having to go to relocation centers and camps due to the enormous disasters all over.
- Many, many people jobless and in enormous debt, losing their homes and entire families becoming homeless, helpless. Many foreclosures and evictions, people becoming virtual slaves to the banks and organizations they owe money to. Not much choice in what employment they are forced to accept. Cannot afford health care.
- Economic collapse, -started like a roller coaster way up high, but then it started down, up a bit, then down down down, then up shortly, but always down again till the Dow hit bottom at about 7000.
- There was a great epidemic of some kind. Many areas of the country were quarantined. Hospitals were overfilled way beyond capacity, many had to be turned away and died like flies. Daily life and commerce were affected, food and supplies could not be moved. Many people died of starvation too.
- Those that lived far away from big cities and were self-sufficient and independent made out the best… Those that depended on the “system” and the government that they trusted suffered and perished by the millions. "

Ich koennte mal versuchen das auf Deutsch zu uebersetzen, aber man muesste mich bestimmt verbesseren... ich kann besser Deutsch auf astreines English ubersetzen ;-)))

Mein ganzes Leben bin ich mit diesen Phenomaen der flash-dreams geplagt... damals im Gymnasium sah ich 1 Jahr vorher die Kuba Raketenkrise, 6 monate vorher das Kennedy in eine "parade" erschossen wurde, der 1967 Israel Krieg 6 monate davor... und endlose andere Sachen in meinem Umfeld die immer meine Familie erstaunte. Was auch richtig interresant ist, ist mein "Sammelwahn" von wo ich hier mehrmals geschrieben habe. Ich sammle Gegendstaende von allerlei Quellen und stell die in random Gruppen auf. Eines tages passiert irgendwas in dieser Welt wo alle Sachen in einer Gruppe zu sehen ist!! Das bereitet immer fazination und spas in meiner Familie und Freunde! Was kann das bloss sein? Kann mir jemand das alles erklaeren??

Seid die letzten paar jahre haben die flash-dreams abgenommen oder sind sehr verschwommen, seid die zuwachsenden Handytuerme gekommen sind (zusammenhang?). Komisch, wie ich in Kentucky vor 7 Jahre arbeitete, hab ich in vielen Kalksteinhoelen gewandert und oft drin uebernachtet... scheinte doch "leiser" drinne zu sein... die Traueme scheinten deutlicher. Ob ich lieber oefter im Bunker schlafen soll? ;-))) Ob die vermissten Honigbienen tatsaechlich verwirrt waren von Handytuermen?

vom Bunker... - Basey
