Nahostkriegsausbruch im Sommer?

Geschrieben von Leo am 01. Juni 2007 12:05:01:

IDF: No Gaza ground operation due to fear of war with Syria

By Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondents

The main reason the Israel Defense Forces is not currently recommending a major ground operation in the Gaza Strip is fear that war might break out with Syria this summer, IDF sources say.

A boost for Assad’s drive to derail UN Hariri tribunal resolution: Iran’s foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki arrives in Damascus

The UN Security Council voted Wednesday, May 30, by 10 to 5 abstentions to establish an international court to prosecute those responsible for the 2005 murder of former Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri.

Russia, China, Qatar, Indonesia and South Africa abstained from the vote Wednesday, May 30. The measure was past at the Lebanese government’s request in the teeth of fierce resistance from Syrian president Bashar Assad who fears his close relatives will end up in the dock.

DEBKAfile reports exclusively that a double agent for Syrian military intelligence and al Qaeda, a Saudi national, was detained in Beirut Tuesday, May 29. A specialist in orchestrating terrorist operations, his mission was part of Damascus’

preparations to loose mayhem should the UN Security Council create the Hariri tribunal.

Lebanese security forces arrested the Saudi at a five-star apartment hotel in the Ashrafiya district of Beirut. DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources report that the detainee, a former al Qaeda operative, acted as the main communication conduit between Syrian military intelligence and the Fatah al Islam radicals battling the Lebanese army in the Palestinian Nahar el-Barad refugee camp near Tripoli.

He was also busily working to expand the Palestinian uprising from northern Lebanon to the South through his contacts in the South Lebanese Ain al Hilwa camp. He tried to put them up to shelling and carrying out terrorist assaults in northern Israel’s Galilee.

Saudi agents in Beirut joined the Lebanese interrogators to find out what the suspect knew about Syrian military intelligence interrelations with al Qaeda cells in the kingdom

Lebanese intelligence nailed the Saudi agent on a tip-off from a Western agency after listening in on his conversations. He was found to have entered Lebanon from Syria on a forged passport. He carried two, one in the Armenian name of Hagop, and another as Ahmed Merie. Twelve more fake documents, British and various South American and Arab, were found in his apartment.

The UN resolution is also expected to raise war tensions on Israel’s Lebanese and Syrian frontiers. Hizballah has been well primed with spanking new rockets and its contingents have advanced right up to the Israeli border.

This has been denied by Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert and defense minister Amir Peretz. However, transport minister Shaul Mofaz, a former defense minister, affirmed Wednesday, May 30, that Hizballah has returned to its old pre-war positions and its units are dug in deep close to the border. The damaged bunkers of last years Lebanon War have, in other words, been repaired.
