Robot wars - Roboter Kriege
Geschrieben von AlexP am 19. April 2007 12:22:59:
Robot wars
WAR is expensive and it is bloody. That is why America's Department of Defence wants to replace a third of its armed vehicles and weaponry with robots by 2015. Such a change would save money, as robots are usually cheaper to replace than people. As important for the generals, it would make waging war less prey to the politics of body bags. Nobody mourns a robot. ...
- - wie die Schwammerln im August; Mario 19.04.2007 19:13 (2)
- Re: - wie die Schwammerln im August; - Kasimir FranzLiszt 19.04.2007 23:15 (0)
- Kondensatorplatten; natürlich; o.T. (n/t) Mario 19.04.2007 19:18 (0)