Reisewarnungen Israels vom 8. März 2007

Geschrieben von TheEnd am 23. März 2007 03:44:02:


Dies könnten natürlich die üblichen Reisewarnungen
für unsere israelischen Freunde sein. Oder es sind
doch besondere Warnungen in Anbetracht der geplanten
Luftpostlieferung von Atombomben an die Iraner.
Ausschließlich Koran-Staaten auf der Liste.

Grüße, TheEnd


# 5. Updated Travel Warnings

Israel’s National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Division presents
the following updated travel warnings for Israelis traveling abroad. It
is advised that travelers should avoid visiting and leave the area as
soon as possible in the following high to very high-threat countries:
Algeria, Afghanistan, Chechenya, (southern Russia) Djabouti, Egypt,
(especially the Sinai peninsula), Jordan, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,
Kashimir (northern India), Lebanon Malaysia, Mindanao, (southern
Philippines) Northern Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia Southern
Thailand, Syria & Yemen. Travelers should postpone non essential travel
to: Bangladesh, Bangkok, Libya, Oman, Nigeria & southeastern Turkey
(borders with Iraq and Iran). Travelers in general, should avoid
visiting the following countries: Bahrain, Chad, Kenya, Kuwait, Morocco,
Qatar, Tunisia. Israeli citizens are called upon to be especially
cautious when visiting: Philippines, Turkey, Thailand, & Uzbekistan.
(Sources: National Security Council Counter-Terrorism Division, GPO)
