Re: 2007,2008,2009...

Geschrieben von Opal am 28. Februar 2007 13:40:03:

Als Antwort auf: 2007,2008,2009... geschrieben von HJH am 28. Februar 2007 13:09:13:

Die Voraussage für den März (genau 17. März) findet auch in den Webots als „Ides of March“ Erwähnung.
Hier ein Ausschnitt, der am letzten Wochenende an die Abonnenten verschickt wurde und auf nachgelesen werden kann:

The data suggests that the economy of the USofA based markets, and specifically all forms of [usofa dollar] associated debts are rolling over, and the actual visible signs of the roll will be apparent on February 27, 2007. The roll has been initiated, and came 2/two days early for us on February 21, instead of the 23rd as we had supposed. However the 'weekend tension' is still showing as of this point in the processing of the immediacy values, and therefore is still showing as an inflection point in our modelspace. However the actual [visible flip/roll] shows for February 27. The coming period of 8/eight days leading up to the Ides of March release period will also be presenting more [visible] (manifestations) of financial crumbling, but by that time, it is far too late to react to stem the process. In fact, as of this interpretation, ...alea jacta est/the die is cast. Start running now, just guess correctly as to which way the iceberg will roll.

Erstaunlich ist die für den 27.2. gemachte Vorhersage!

