7 völlig abweichende Nostradamus-Quatrains gefunden

Geschrieben von Deyvotelh am 03. Februar 2007 01:36:16:

Es handelt sich um VIII-1 bis VIII-6 sowie den berühmten X-100 mit der 300jährigen Blütezeit Englands.
Vielleicht ist es nur eine ungewöhnliche Übersetzung.
Komisches Zahlenspiel in X-100 mit dem "Herrn und Erben der Kröten". Hört sich an wie der Beginn der Herrschaft des Bösen ab 1966 oder sowas.
Ich habe sie gestern mit meinen Versen daheim verglichen, den Link hatte ich vor ein paar Tagen bereits ins Forum gestellt.
Wieder auf einem russischen Server gefunden, wo man übrigens auf "oceanru" sämtliche Quatrains findet.

Grüße Deyvotelh

Several will be confused in their waiting,

Pardon will not be given the inhabitants:

Those who thought well of persisting in the waiting,

But not much spare time will be given them.

Several will come, and speak of peace,

Between Monarchs and very powerful lords:

But it will not be accorded so soon,

Unless they become more obedient than the others.

Alas what a fury ! Alas what a pity

Will there be between people:

never did one see such a friendship

As the wolves will have diligent in running.

Many people will want to come to terms

With the great lords who will bring war upon them:

They will not want to hear anything of it from them,

Alas! if Gos does not send peace to the earth.

Varieties of aid will come from all sides,

From distant people who will want to resist:

Suddenly they will be much urged on,

But they will be unable to assist at that hour.

Alas, what ambition foreign Princes have,

Take careful heed lest they come into your country:

There should be terrible dangers

And in many countries, even in Vienna.

When the fork will be supported by two stakes,

With six half-bodies and six open scissors:

The very powerful Lord, heir of the toads,

Then he will subject the entire world to himself.
