Re: Israel... new leader

Geschrieben von FranzLiszt am 16. Dezember 2006 10:10:52:

Als Antwort auf: Suche nach (dark force) geschrieben von riska am 16. Dezember 2006 09:00:55:

Der derzeit bekannteste Ausspruch mit "dark forces", würde ich sagen.

For the Land of Israel is on the Dark Continent.
Troubled times ahead. Surrounded by their enemies, another new enemy will come from the sea, from the deep waters. The big General will not survive. He will die, not by a bullet but because of weak health. They will play a role in the Great War. A new Leader will come and preach peace, but he will not shut his eyes for the dark forces. The Temple will fall, but rebuild by the people of Israel. Impacts and explosions will be seen through the whole country. Planes will leave to defend. It will come close to a nuclear confrontation with the Land of Iran.
Israel has a friend in the USA and Australia.
I see Roman (European) men with guns on their Land to help defend their country. Israel should open the eyes and stop the war on words with these friends, because they are true friends. There will come the time they will realize this, and accept the help they need to survive.
At the end Israel will succeed.


Take care

Gruß franz_liszt
