Re: astronauts should practice "radiation avoidance."

Geschrieben von FranzLiszt am 07. Dezember 2006 20:19:15:

Als Antwort auf: Re: Shuttle geschrieben von AlexP am 07. Dezember 2006 13:42:59:

RADIATION STORM: A radiation storm is underway. Based on the energy and number of solar protons streaming past Earth, NOAA ranks the storm as category S3: satellites may experience single-event upsets and astronauts should practice "radiation avoidance."

The rush of protons may be a sign of an approaching CME (coronal mass ejection). Protons are accelerated in shock waves at the leading-edge of CMEs, so when the proton count rises, we can guess that a CME is en route.
NOAA forecasters estimate a 50% chance of another X-flare during the next 24 hours. Further explosions could intensify the ongoing radiation storm and improve the chances for widespread auroras. Stay tuned.


Gruß franz_liszt
