Hier kommt die Erkenntnis der Russen: USA entschlossen

Geschrieben von Sono am 23. November 2006 22:48:27:

Russlands wachsende Macht und seinen internationalen Einfluss zunichte zu machen.

USA determined to nullify Russia’s growing power and international influence
Russia and the USA will definitely have to experience a crisis in their relationship during the forthcoming years. The relations between the two countries will worsen no matter which administration – Republican or Democratic - the USA will have after the 2008 election. The USA will try to do its best to isolate Russia’s leadership and execute the “orange revolution” scenario in Moscow through its protégé. In addition, Washington will continue to undermine the energy-based sovereignty of the Russian Federation and activate the support of disintegration processes on its territory. To crown it all, the USA will try to damage Moscow’s efforts in international politics. This will be easy to achieve when Georgia and Ukraine join NATO.

Ist auch schon dabei, neue Raketen gegen Nato aufzustellen. Siehe
