The post-Israel Middle East
Geschrieben von Sono am 21. Oktober 2006 20:58:03:
Friday, October 20, 2006
The post-Israel Middle East
Norman Finkelstein has predicted that Israel is two wars away from complete destruction. That sounds about right. The next one, psychologically required after losing in Lebanon, will be a partial success, setting up the final over-reach.The Zionists have put all their eggs in the basket of American support, but that basket has developed two holes. One is the paradox that support for the Zionist series of wars and conflicts has so weakened the United States that it is no longer a reliable ally. Faced with a real crisis in Korea, the Americans are powerless to do anything, and have to rely on China to fix things. It’s China that is going around the world – Africa, South America, Asia – sealing up oil contracts, and not, contrary to what I keep reading about the Bush Administration’s great geopolitical plans, the United States. It’s Russia that is methodically reestablishing its power over the ‘Stans, Ukraine, and Georgia, and dangling promises of hydrocarbons at Europe. Americans are so nackered from fighting Israel’s wars that the world’s sole superpower isn’t so super any longer.