"Glaubensverfolgungen beginnen nach der Rückkehr des Papstes aus Moskau"
Geschrieben von Deyvotelh am 03. Oktober 2006 00:19:20:
"...It is worth remembering that when the Garabandal seers were told that communism would return to Spain, the word "communismo" meant nothing to them, just as "Russia" had meant nothing to their Fatima counterparts almost fifty years earlier. These children were completely uneducated and unsophisticated; isolated from the ouside world. Not only did they have neither T.V. or radio, they didn't even have electricity. But they would have no doubt heard some mention by their parents of that dreadful civil war that had run its course just about a generation previously. So, when Our Blessed Mother warned that "communism will return to Spain' She must without doubt have been hinting very strongly of the return of the same kind of horrors that that had characterised the Spanish Civil War in the 1930's. And here we recall Our Lady's warning that, after the Holy Father's return from Moscow, "violent persecutions will erupt in various parts of Europe" and that this will signify that we are in the immediate pre-Warning period....."
Die Warnung offenbar (nach diesem Text) erst nach der Rückkehr des Papstes aus Moskau, also nach Beginn des Krieges.
Er kehrt nach Rom zurück und flieht kurz danach, weil die Glaubensverfolgung einsetzt.
Gewalttätige Verfolgungen in verschiedenen Teilen Europas.
Die Revolution in Spanien gleicht derjenigen in den 30er Jahren.
Garabandal scheint zur Zeit des Wunders fast verlassen zu sein (Flucht wegen des Krieges???...)Deyvotelh.
- Re: karlbauknecht 03.10.2006 01:00 (2)
- Re: Mirans 03.10.2006 11:29 (0)
- Re: Petrus der Tömer Deyvotelh 03.10.2006 01:25 (0)