Passend zu den Nachrichten über Bin Laden - Thomas S Gibson 2002

Geschrieben von Georg am 24. September 2006 23:51:32:

Hallo Foris,

Prophezeiungen von Thomas S- Gibson aus dem Jahre 2002

Nachfolger von Bin Laden
Künftiger Terror in den USA
Bush und Saddam Hussein
Palestina, Jerusalem.......
Weiterer Anschlag auf New York, der die ganze Stadt trifft
Ende von Bush
Spaltung und Vereinigung der Kirchen

Homepage von gibbson

Vorhersagen aus dem Jahr 2002

2002 01 27.1
This morning shortly after waking up, I was in prayer. During that prayer I began to
doze off a bit and experienced the following.
I could see a man walking toward me. This man was bin Laden. As he walked I noticed
he had something special above his head. It was a round item lightly larger than his
head––something like a lamp shade with many colours intermingled––and it hovered
just above his head as he walked.
As I watched the scene changed. His head was bare, his hair shaved off, and the item
above his head was gone. I also noticed his beard had disappeared. He then fell down
on the ground and appeared to be dead or greatly wounded.
Suddenly he rose up. But now the man was no longer looking like bin Laden. This was
a different man. He had a beard and was dressed like bin Laden had been––the way
you see him on television. The item above his head which made of many colours had
come back.
This man had a long knife––almost like a short sword––in his hand. He held this knife
like he was going to use it to stab someone. He then went forward to attack. This was
the end of the scene before me.
After this the Lord showed me something else. This multi-coloured item that was first
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Prophecies Through Thomas S. Gibson (2002)
above the head of bin Laden, and then above the head of the new man represented the
position of leadership in al-Qaeda and other organizations of which the new man had
power over. This was a new leader and the organization was again operational.
The this word from the Lord. Thus saith the Lord, this man is not bin Laden but a leader
which will lead a new rebel group against America, Europe, and others. So says the

2002 04 28.2
For thus says the Lord, hear Me and know the time is short. The United States shall be
hit severely––yet not immediately––but it shall come soon. A little while and the United
States shall suffer a severe blow.
No, I will not bring a war on it yet, that is, not a war with a nation, but it will come from
terrorism, from natural disasters, and other things I will bring against it.
I plead with America to repent. I plead with her to turn from her sins, to turn back to
the God she once served. For if she would turn back to Me with a full heart I will end all
judgment and bring blessing upon her. For this is My will, says the Lord.

2002 08 18.1
As I was praying the Lord showed me the following in my spirit. I could see President
Bush from his left side sitting at a desk or table. He was saying, “We must get Saddam
Hussein, we must get Saddam Hussein.” (He said it twice).
As I watched he signed some type of paper. But he signed it with his left hand from the
right to the left––just as the Arabic language is written. He signed this twice. I could not
tell if he was signing two papers one above the other, or twice on the same page.
Then the Lord gave me this word. Thus says the Lord, these two statements by Bush,
plus the two signatures, indicate each two agreements with Arabic nations. These two
agreements are compromises by Bush in order to get permission to go into Iraq.
When he signs them, says the Lord, this will create ruffled feathers both in America and
in Arabic areas as they find out what is agreed too; which will not be done until some
time later.

2002 08 24.1
The first agreement [see 2002 08 18.1] the American President will make with the Arabic
nations is to strongly support a Palestine state in the West Bank.
The second agreement will be their right to the capital of Jerusalem.
The U.S. President will then backtrack on these two agreements creating trouble on
both sides––first to the right wing American politics, and then to the Arabic states.

2002 08 25.1
Thus says the Lord. I will allow another terrorist attack on New York. This attack will
create fear throughout the city.

2002 08 31.2
The Lord says: George Bush shall not leave his office before the end of his second term,
but rather shall be killed before that time.

2002 08 31.3
There shall come a time of great division within many churches. Several shall say, “go
not after the world,” and the whole church that they are a part of shall persecute them.
So shall it be in many, many, many churches. They shall persecute until My people
leave the churches that they have called home.
Then, and only then, shall I raise up a people who will not compromise. These that
come out from persecutions shall be My choicest of servants. They shall know the Lord
and I shall lead them.
From them shall many new uncompromising churches rise and be lifted up for the
world to see––a church undivided, sold out to the Lord.
Now learn to stand for the things of the Lord, not compromising the Word; and willing
to walk in the persecution to come.
