Fundsache – Merkwürdiger Traum auf "Glitch in the Matrix" (Übersinnliches & Paranormales allgemein)

Leserzuschrift @, Freitag, 30.09.2016, 22:28 (vor 2788 Tagen) (2303 Aufrufe)
bearbeitet von Taurec, Donnerstag, 16.08.2018, 12:38

Hallo Taurec,

ich weiß nicht, ob dieser zufällig von mir gefundene Traum für Dich und Dein Forum interessant ist. Sicher ist er nicht wortwörtlich zu verstehen. Die Kernaussage einer drastischen, ulimativen "Wende" deckt sich aber klar mit zahlreichen anderen (religiösen) Texten und Schilderungen.

"So, in my dream,( I was walking, with bunch of other people, through some field and all of a sudden we looked at the sky and stars were starting to burn, like firecrackers, and then to dissolve like they are meteors coming through atmosphere.... After some time the stars were gone and then someone just turned the light on.. The night sky was no more... Now it was a giant ceiling... Oval ceiling like in cathedral... An image of a person appeared on the ceiling of the former sky. He said: "It's over... I am your God... This place (planet?) is what you know by the name of Krypton. I'm not saying that Earth does not exist somewhere, but....." ) And that's about it, I didn't listen to everything he was saying, cause we were in a shock, and in a hurry to get somewhere through some tunnels. And btw, we were expecting for something like that to happen, and when stars started to burn, we knew that that's it, it's going down. I had couple of very vivid dreams before where some sort of Event is starting to happen and it always starts in the sky. Sometimes it's the stars, or one time it was the Moon becoming purple and then breaking apart. They all have in common the undeniability of something mind blowing, earth shattering and the bearer of change for humanity, never seen before. Yes, one more thing, the person on the ceiling, claiming to be God, looked like Morgan Freeman :)"


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